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Nova GMAT Data Sufficiency Prep Course
Every year, students pay $1,000 and more to test prep companies to prepare for the math section of the GMAT. Now you can get the same preparation in a book.
GMAT Writing Guidelines
The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a computer adaptive test (CAT) which seeks to assess a person's analytical, writing, quantitative, verbal, and reading skills in standard written English in preparation for being admitted into a graduate management program, such as an MBA.The GMAT does not measure business knowledge or skill, nor doe...

GMAT Writing Sample
The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a computer adaptive test (CAT) which seeks to assess a person's analytical, writing, quantitative, verbal, and reading skills in standard written English in preparation for being admitted into a graduate management program, such as an MBA.The GMAT does not measure business knowledge or skill, nor doe...

GMAT Exam Success In Only 4 Steps
GMAT Exam Success in Only 4 Steps is a potent GMAT study tool. Test takers can learn effective problem-solving strategies tailored to each type of math and verbal question found on the GMAT, as well as how to tackle tough analytical essay prompts.
Nova GMAT Math Bible
Every year, students pay $1,000 and more to test prep companies to prepare for the math section of the GRE. Now you can get the same preparation in a book.
GMAT Reading Comprehension Sample Question
Passages on the GMAT vary in length from short extracts that take one and a half minutes to read to ones that take three and a half minutes to read. Allow approximately 1 minute to answer each question after completing the reading.
GMAT Critical Reasoning Sample Questions
Critical reasoning questions test your ability to analyze logical arguments. The arguments cover a range of topics and situations which average GMAT-takers would be expected to be able to understand, even if they are not very familiar with the subject area.
IELTS Trainer Six Practice Test with Answer (Ebook-Audio)
Six full practice tests plus easy-to-follow expert guidance and exam tips designed to guarantee exam success.
Cambridge Practice Tests For IELTS 9 (Ebook-Audio)
Cambridge IELTS contains four authentic IELTS past papers from Cambridge ESOL, providing excellent exam practice.
Cambridge Practice Tests For IELTS 8 (Ebook-Audio)
Cambridge IELTS contains four authentic IELTS past papers from Cambridge ESOL, providing excellent exam practice.
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