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McGraw-Hill IELTS 5 Practice Tests (Ebook-Audio)
McGraw-Hill’s IELTS provides intensive instruction and practice for every question type you may encounter on this important exam, plus four complete sample tests with explanations.McGraw-Hill GMAT 2011 Edition 6 Practice Tests
Completely revised and updated for 2011, McGraw-Hill’s GMAT brings all of McGraw-Hill’s business and education expertise to bear on helping you achieve the best score possible.McGraw-Hill GMAT 2010 Edition 6 Practice Tests
Completely revised and updated for 2010, McGraw-Hill’s GMAT brings all of McGraw-Hill’s business and education expertise to bear on helping you achieve the best score possible.McGraw-Hill GMAT 2009 Edition 6 Practice Tests
Completely revised and updated for 2009, McGraw-Hill's GMAT brings all of McGraw-Hill's business and education expertise to bear on helping you achieve the best score possible.McGraw-Hill GMAT 2008 Edition 6 Practice Tests
Broadly speaking, success in business comes from effectively executing a strategy to attain a competitive edge. What you are looking for in your application to business school is a competitive edge; the GMAT is, after all, a competition between you and every other B-school candidate in the country.How to Pass the GMAT by Mike Bryon
The GMAT is a challenging exam. Preparation is vital since competition for a place at a leading business school is fierce. How to Pass the GMAT allows test-takers to become familiar with the styles of question they'll face on the GMAT.Barron GMAT 2007-2008 CD-ROM
Updated to prepare students for the latest Graduate Management Admission Tests as it is given in the computer-adaptive format, this manual presents a diagnostic test and five full-length practice tests.Critical Reasoning and RC GMAT Preparation Guide
Critical Reasoning & Reading Comprehension (1 of the 7 books in Manhattan GMAT’s Preparation Guide series) illustrates how to deconstruct arguments and reading passages using innovative diagramming techniques designed to build speed and improve accuracy.Manhattan Arithimetic Skills for GMAT
Fractions, Decimals, and Percents (1 of the 7 books in Manhattan GMAT’s Preparation Guide series) provides a highly organized and structured approach to the variety of questions in this quantitative content area.Kaplan GMAT Advanced 2009-2010 Edition
GMAT Advanced offers high-achieving students the toughest practice questions, hardest concepts, and strongest strategies to help them prepare for the GMAT.
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